Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Five to go

We're at thirty-five weeks of pregnancy here. I am at the "wow am I going to actually get any bigger?" stage, soon to move into the "dear lord please let it be today" stage. Which will be followed by "I can't stand it where's the acupuncturist - heck where's the voodoo lady -- anything is better than one more day of pregnancy."

God's designs are always so effective, I think. The worse the end of pregnancy, the happier you will be when you're in the middle of steamroller-sized contractions.

And for those who require the gory details, our little Gilbert/a is head-down and apparently the exact right size for how old he/she is.

Anyone have name suggestions for us?


Martin said...


I wanted to name Andrew "Monstro", but somehow Carolyn didn't seriously consider it.

Joe said...
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Joe said...

Having spoken with Gilbert's father and ben edumacated by him in da speakin of da english, I would suggest making bold falacious claims about education. This will get the infant so worked up it will surge out to correct your errors and possibly challenge you to a drinking contest in order to settle the matter for good.:)

How about Optimus Prime? Not only would you fullfill the lifelong dream of a coworker of mine, but you would always make a new best friend for Andrew.

messy bessy said...

Actually, I had thought that if we somehow knew for sure that this was our last child, we could go for Ultimus, or Ultima. And then I thought, wouldn't it be great if we knew for sure that it was our SECOND to last, and we could name him/her Penultima/Penultimus.