Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why it is nine rather than eight

God knew, when he was working out the logistics for human life (not that it took him all that long), how -- ahem -- challenging childbirth could be for Eve after the fall. And so, as he does with all things, he gave her a little silver lining.

That lining being, that he increased the time of human gestation by ONE MONTH. Originally, I am convinced, human gestation was to have been eight joy-filled and increasingly thrilling months, but after the whole apple thing Eve was not going to get off all that easily. The pain of childbirth becoming a real issue (whereas before human birth was actually kind of like a really long and relaxing massage), God decided to increase ordinary pregnancy to nine months. This gift makes up for the -- ahem -- challenge of childbirth because God knows that being pregnant that last month is SO INCREDIBLY TIRESOME that anyone at all would prefer the pain to any more pregnancy.

Just thought all five of my readers would want to know.

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