Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New website ideas for the GNoM Community

As is generally known, Messy Bessy does not have, nor does she plan to acquire, much web knowledge. And even the Blogger guidance site, which is probably written at a level that would allow Sweetums to move forward technologically speaking, has not been overly clear as to how I would add a favorite website sidebar. (As soon as Superguy has some free time and can bear to answer my ridiculous questions, I'll ask him.)

Thus, I am just going to type the addresses in here and you all can go look on your lunch hour. These are sites that I find interesting, enlightening, or just fun to look at.

First, a modesty website, from our orthodox Jewish friends: www.tznius.com, which has so many really cool headscarves. If I could get away with it, I'd totally do the headscarf thing, since that would be the answer to genetically dumb hair.

Next, www.houseartjournal.com, which is a Catholic mother who occasionally takes really gorgeous photos of ordinary things.

My source of wry Catholic commentary on politics and culture is www.markshea.blogspot.com, as it also is for really funny YouTube selections.

For those who are able to stomach a little bit of crudity with their humor, you should check out www.junecleaverafterasix-pack.blogspot.com, an especially good one for military wives.

And finally, our very own www.martinpease.blogspot.com -- a lovely blog by a great person!

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