Look at the vast expanse of baby tum!

Joseph, Mary, and "Baby Jesus" -- this was a play they worked on in the basement. I had nothing to do with it, which is why they are so sweet!

Sorry --- fuzzy picture, but imagine that we're all travelling 500 miles an hour.
So was El Pudgo the baby Jesus, or just his understudy?
Too cute. But watch out, those kids are starting to inadvertently tread on Family Circus territory with their preciousness. I'm sure their daddy can instill some cynicism in them to counteract it before it's too late.
So was El Pudgo playing baby Jesus, or was she just the understudy?
Too cute! But watch out -- your kids are coming dangerously close to treading on Family Circus territory with their preciousness. I'm sure their daddy can instill come cynicism in them before it's too late...
Family Circus! You're so right. And you know, maybe it's about time, now that I'm basically 40, that I get that hair style the mom has. Ugh.
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