Well, since all the cool people (at least, those not living in MS, MA, or IA) have dogs, we followed suit and obtained Casper, the Bassett Hound. I know, I know, what are we doing with a dog, when we have such a stuffed house and it's too cold to walk him properly, especially since he has such short legs... This is a particular breed however -- one could even say the Guilt No More breed, since this type of Bassett Hound is invisible. And also doesn't smell. Much. Although from now on, whenever I smell something I don't like, i will know it is Casper.
Here he is on our bed.

Bad dog, Casper! Put down the ketchup.

Not the whipped cream too, Casper?

Here he is, guarding Honeybee. She's still a little shy around him.

I'm sure you all will want to meet him. More photos next time. I know you all are envious.
is this a sly dig at the VA contigent? i hope so.
I see the pope but not the dog.It's much more reasonable for a Stelli bed to have a book by the pope and NOT a sleeping DOG!
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