Here is an area of our Guilt No More castle that the scullery maid (me) insists does not work. There are too many things going on: lined up items to be put in the recycling bags (which are nestled behind the right door), aprons hung over brackets since I am too sissy to learn how to use a drill properly, the paper-recycling brown bag, the garbage, and the totally necessary but incredibly irritating laundry hamper. Not to mention, the yard stick! Never tell me we don't utilize our shelf brackets! Oh yeah, and look at the empty milk jug. We have so many of these I begin to feel they are sort of like pets.
How would we make this better? It is ridiculously easy, once I take the time to think about it. But the only way I can bear to think about it -- and this corner of our kitchen has annoyed me seriously for years!!! -- is to blog about it. Pathetic, yet true.
As I was saying, it wouldn't be hard to make this an easier corner to live with. First, put the recycling under the sink, rather than in the back hall. Next, install a hook for the aprons (which since this photo was taken has actually happened). Next, remove the laundry hamper and find another place for it. Maybe the back hall! Never tell me we don't utilize our back hall! It's a Mud Room. And by mud, I mean mud.

Now, having glutted ourselves in our filthy disorganization, let us turn our little eyes happily to a place in the house that is currently working, and which is now so nice I had to take a photo from every angle: The Red Room. And by red I do mean red.
As you stand in the doorway this is what you see to the right. A desk with enough space. Bookshelves properly filled.

And here, below, you see almost straight ahead. Note the little window seat that my dear Superguy made since he knows I've always wanted one. Of course, it's too narrow to accommodate my motherly self, but see the last photo of this post for its ultimate use. And note also here, more bookshelves, the pretty rocker that doesn't fit anywhere else, and the sole closet on the main floor, which houses the vacuum! The vacuum misses the back hall, but I don't care. It has to stay here, forever and ever.

And here is what you would see if you stepped in and pivoted to the left. Look! More shelves! And the homeschool dresser, another desk which a child could sit at (and they do!), and a white board which has subsequently been consigned to the Dumpster because someone wrote on it with a Sharpie instead of the approved marker. Never tell me we don't use our Dumpster.

Oh. My. Heavens! Look at the window seat. It is fulfilling its very raison d'etre -- little girl cousins, dressed as princesses, reading. In the sunlight. In a room that works.

It fills me with glee.
I love the red room with the shelves!! Happy, happy thought!
And fairy princesses...what else could you want!
Put the trash in the cabinet and the recycling in the mudroom (but use bins, and make the mudroom as tidy as you can!). Put the hamper at the end of the counter.
A regular trash can doesn't fit under my sink, so I use one that is an "office" trash can. A little shorter. Now that our recycling doesn't have to be sorted (a relief but also mighty suspicious if you ask me), I have the bin at the end of the counter.
But my laundry is in my mudroom, so I have a hamper there. It's worth it to make the mudroom tidy, not to give you an anxiety attack or anything. Just keep tidying all the way out, as if you thought the queen might take a peek in there...and you had the chance to tell her, "this is the best I could do on short notice."
I think the yardstick is cute where it is :)
Thanks! I will use your suggestions, because you are, as Anne Shirley said, a kindred spirit -- if you ever had to describe me, you would say "bookish and impatient." And disorganized.
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