OK, it's been kind of a while. Sorry. So, to make up for it, here are some All Hallows' Eve pictures.
From the left, St. Gianna Molla, St. Helena (of the True Cross), Pope John Paul II, St. Margaret of Scotland (pictured before she was married to Malcolm, and still an English princess), and St. Juan Diego.
(True to form, Juan Diego chose his own saint but then got irritated by the costume and refused to look happy for the photo. However, there was another Juan Diego at the All Saints' party and he was nowhere as Mexicano as this dude. Although, we were hoping he would let us paint a mustache on him, but he put his foot down. "No way, Jose!" were the words he would have spoken, if he had expressed his displeasure verbally than otherwise.)
1 comment:
No, I disagree - your family's costumes are always the most creative around! At our Halloween bash here, I was recounting the St. Peter's Square costume from a few years ago which was, indeed, a very fine piece. Love the pictures!
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