Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby update

Went to the midwife (aka "the coven") and found that our baby is just about perfect. I, on the other hand, am working to give a very good impression of a three-pack-a-day smoker, what with the hacking cough and the slow trudge. Luckily I'm still a few years away from the nasty yellow leathery skin, although I have a brother who is a lot closer to that than I am.

Hard as it is for people pregnant for the first time to comprehend, the length of human gestation is not very long, really. Here it seems we just found out about little "Gilberta" as Superguy likes to call him/her, and now this little miracle of God has a perfect heart, fingers, toes, bladder, kidneys, eyes and ears and every single thing. Slightly bigger than a box of butter.

Each time is more amazing to contemplate -- like trying to imagine a new color, one that no one has ever yet seen. That's what it is to think about who this new little person will be.

So we're just really grateful!


Martin said...

Everyone around me seems to have this terrible cough, yet I just smile knowingly and head out back for another heater in full knowledge that the reason I don't get sick is because I give cancer to all the little germs that try something.

messy bessy said...

Someday they will return the favor, Mr. Heater Face.