Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas tree acquisition

Superguy and Messy Bessy have almost always, except for one regrettable year, gone out into somebody's woods to chop the Christmas tree down. This year, despite our financial circumstances, we were blessed by so many people's generosity that we were able to do the same thing we always do. If you are one of those generous people, please look at the photos below and think about how much happiness you have given. We had a wonderful time and the kids about died they were so thrilled to be out getting a tree (finally!):

Oh yeah? Well, this is MY life...

Our beautiful new mum AMM wrote a post below that far exceeds any of the posts I've written. Please read it to see how wise she is for one not yet 30. I fully agree with everything she says. But I could not resist entering a slightly smirky set of photos to show where she is going to be, eleven years and five more children from now:

Welcome to my world.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is My Life Now

Sometimes it seems humdrum, with lots of laundry, making meals, picking up the house, running after baby. I spend most of my time at home and outings usually consist of trips to the public library. We have 4 rooms in our house (not counting bathrooms and closets), where I spend 90% of my time. Sometimes I remember what it was like to be out among other adults (or college students, not quite the same thing) all day; what it was like to go out late at night or hang out with friends every other evening; what it was like to be in school and studying and meeting new people and working...

And then I remember, it wasn't that great. It had its attractions obviously, and looking back it is easy to remember the fun parts, but it wasn't what I wanted. I had the freedom of a single twenty-something and, you know, it was often pretty lonely and unfulfilling. Why? Because this was what I wanted:

And so, I remember these things and then I remember how amazingly blessed I am. I am honestly so lucky to have a wonderful husband to cook for and a sweet daughter to run after. I am blessed to have a nice house to try to keep clean and a nice library where I can take baby. This is my life and this is the life I always wanted. Lucky me!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Honeybee goes to bed

At long last! Order now!

You have been thinking hard about a suitable present for that special someone on your Christmas list. You considered a bottle of whiskey, a set of silk pajamas, and theater tickets. But you rejected those options as entirely mediocre. What could you give that would really make an impression?

We here at Guilt No More have the answer! It's the Guilt No More Completely Furnished Kitchen! Already used, and so messy that your loved one will not feel bad spilling hamburger fat on the (already filthy) floor! Behold.

One of the nicest features is that this kitchen is Green. Note the recycled bread bags dripping dry over the desk lamp, which was itself recycled from a different location.
Yes, Auntie Loretta will definitely go for this one.
Another nice feature is that since there is no counter space -- AT ALL -- the happy gift recipient doesn' t have to feel guilty that she isn't cooking dinner tonight. She can't! Our Lady of Guadalupe looks down, presumably praying for the owner of this kitchen. Order now!