Sometimes it seems humdrum, with lots of laundry, making meals, picking up the house, running after baby. I spend most of my time at home and outings usually consist of trips to the public library. We have 4 rooms in our house (not counting bathrooms and closets), where I spend 90% of my time. Sometimes I remember what it was like to be out among other adults (or college students, not quite the same thing) all day; what it was like to go out late at night or hang out with friends every other evening; what it was like to be in school and studying and meeting new people and working...
And then I remember, it wasn't that great. It had its attractions obviously, and looking back it is easy to remember the fun parts, but it wasn't what I wanted. I had the freedom of a single twenty-something and, you know, it was often pretty lonely and unfulfilling. Why? Because this was what I wanted:
And so, I remember these things and then I remember how amazingly blessed I am. I am honestly so lucky to have a wonderful husband to cook for and a sweet daughter to run after. I am blessed to have a nice house to try to keep clean and a nice library where I can take baby. This is my life and this is the life I always wanted. Lucky me!