Since we all of us need all the help we can get, we have decided to do a family pilgrimage to the cathedral. Two other families will be joining us to walk down lovely Summit Avenue to the Cathedral of St. Paul -- an approved site for this Pauline Year.
We'll end at 10 a.m. Mass, then pray together the prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father, and then we' adjourn back here for ham, sweet rolls, fruit, and coffee.
I suggested that we carry palm branches and sing hymns as we walk, but the children gave me looks of horror. "It will be -- embarrassing!" said Buster.
"No way, I'm not singing," said Fifi.
"I will sing!" said Kewpie, who is always game for anything. At 3, you are mature enough to realize that winning the world for Christ may involve some -- embarrassment. So perhaps we can do one or two rounds of "Lift High the Cross."
And best, it is possible to gain a plenary indulgence! Of course, there is that small matter of being free of all attachment to sin. Yeah, just finishing up that little detachment. It's so lucky I'm almost done being attached to sin. I hope to be completely free of all attachment to sin after dinner.
We'll pray for all of our family in the diaspora.