God knew, when he was working out the logistics for human life (not that it took him all that long), how -- ahem -- challenging childbirth could be for Eve after the fall. And so, as he does with all things, he gave her a little silver lining.
That lining being, that he increased the time of human gestation by ONE MONTH. Originally, I am convinced, human gestation was to have been eight joy-filled and increasingly thrilling months, but after the whole apple thing Eve was not going to get off all that easily. The pain of childbirth becoming a real issue (whereas before human birth was actually kind of like a really long and relaxing massage), God decided to increase ordinary pregnancy to nine months. This gift makes up for the -- ahem -- challenge of childbirth because God knows that being pregnant that last month is SO INCREDIBLY TIRESOME that anyone at all would prefer the pain to any more pregnancy.
Just thought all five of my readers would want to know.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New website ideas for the GNoM Community
As is generally known, Messy Bessy does not have, nor does she plan to acquire, much web knowledge. And even the Blogger guidance site, which is probably written at a level that would allow Sweetums to move forward technologically speaking, has not been overly clear as to how I would add a favorite website sidebar. (As soon as Superguy has some free time and can bear to answer my ridiculous questions, I'll ask him.)
Thus, I am just going to type the addresses in here and you all can go look on your lunch hour. These are sites that I find interesting, enlightening, or just fun to look at.
First, a modesty website, from our orthodox Jewish friends: www.tznius.com, which has so many really cool headscarves. If I could get away with it, I'd totally do the headscarf thing, since that would be the answer to genetically dumb hair.
Next, www.houseartjournal.com, which is a Catholic mother who occasionally takes really gorgeous photos of ordinary things.
My source of wry Catholic commentary on politics and culture is www.markshea.blogspot.com, as it also is for really funny YouTube selections.
For those who are able to stomach a little bit of crudity with their humor, you should check out www.junecleaverafterasix-pack.blogspot.com, an especially good one for military wives.
And finally, our very own www.martinpease.blogspot.com -- a lovely blog by a great person!
Thus, I am just going to type the addresses in here and you all can go look on your lunch hour. These are sites that I find interesting, enlightening, or just fun to look at.
First, a modesty website, from our orthodox Jewish friends: www.tznius.com, which has so many really cool headscarves. If I could get away with it, I'd totally do the headscarf thing, since that would be the answer to genetically dumb hair.
Next, www.houseartjournal.com, which is a Catholic mother who occasionally takes really gorgeous photos of ordinary things.
My source of wry Catholic commentary on politics and culture is www.markshea.blogspot.com, as it also is for really funny YouTube selections.
For those who are able to stomach a little bit of crudity with their humor, you should check out www.junecleaverafterasix-pack.blogspot.com, an especially good one for military wives.
And finally, our very own www.martinpease.blogspot.com -- a lovely blog by a great person!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Apple picking today
One of the many many reasons I married Superguy is that he is totally into the idea of family togetherness. As many in the Guilt No More Community at large know, the general term for family togetherness when outside the four walls of one's (incredibly disorderly) house is FFO: Fun Family Outing. And Superguy not only buys the concept, he really comes up with the best ideas for FFO's.
However, one thing I am happy to contribute to this marriage is the longstanding tradition of apple-picking as an FFO. For years now, we have gone to some sort of orchard each fall, and stocked up on apples that taste like apples, pumpkins that have personality, and generally an assortment of jars filled with honey, jam, salsa, etc. not made in Chinese sweatshops.
The kids are filled with glee. I am slightly apprehensive (underneath the glee) because there are not that many more days before I am due to have this latest little baby, and would not like to go into labor whilst picking apples in a faraway section of orchard far to the west of the hospital. However, I've never been a quick labor gal, and at this point it might be preferable to just stimulate labor even at the expense of an FFO.
Will report after our trip!
However, one thing I am happy to contribute to this marriage is the longstanding tradition of apple-picking as an FFO. For years now, we have gone to some sort of orchard each fall, and stocked up on apples that taste like apples, pumpkins that have personality, and generally an assortment of jars filled with honey, jam, salsa, etc. not made in Chinese sweatshops.
The kids are filled with glee. I am slightly apprehensive (underneath the glee) because there are not that many more days before I am due to have this latest little baby, and would not like to go into labor whilst picking apples in a faraway section of orchard far to the west of the hospital. However, I've never been a quick labor gal, and at this point it might be preferable to just stimulate labor even at the expense of an FFO.
Will report after our trip!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Guilt no more Indian summer
We here in the Land of Origin have been having Indian summer, and here is a little sample of what we have been doing: The pretend library you see below provided more than an hour of quiet occupation, which is worth really really a lot to some of us.
When in doubt about your fashion options on Possibly The Most Beautiful Day of September, go with the cowboy hat/diaper ensemble.
The future Cy Young winner, practicing. We knew him when.

Please, all of you from Squeaky Clean Manicured Lawn Fabulous Chandelier-Containing House Land, note the existence of the Guilt No More yard: Mainly mud, but with the mandatory plastic chair, jumbled toys, and embarrassing dirty wading pool. We ordered it special, and as with all Guilt No More products, this lawn has given satisfaction. No matter what the children decide to play, including paleontology, motocross, rugby, or Pa Ingalls Digs a Well, this lawn provides a pleasing cover.
The house next door is still for sale! Who wants to be neighbors????

Please, all of you from Squeaky Clean Manicured Lawn Fabulous Chandelier-Containing House Land, note the existence of the Guilt No More yard: Mainly mud, but with the mandatory plastic chair, jumbled toys, and embarrassing dirty wading pool. We ordered it special, and as with all Guilt No More products, this lawn has given satisfaction. No matter what the children decide to play, including paleontology, motocross, rugby, or Pa Ingalls Digs a Well, this lawn provides a pleasing cover.
The house next door is still for sale! Who wants to be neighbors????
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

If I could, I would see to it that the happy innocence of this age stayed with them always. It's so beautiful to see.
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